Woody’s Safety Challenge
Some of you know that I used to compete in Wheelchair Racing. I had a long and enjoyable sporting career and travelled to many different countries to compete. I worked with a series of coaches over the years and a consistent theme was to set yourself a target and work towards achieving it.
I would like to be your Safety Coach this year and set you a target that you have to work towards.
Your challenge is to STOP one person from getting hurt!
I don’t know how you are going to do it and I don’t really care.
It might be something you say, something you do or someone you stop from doing something?
But I’m challenging you to set this target and then if possible I want you to share it with us sometime during the year.
I’ll accept the challenge too, hopefully by sharing my story at a workplace it will encourage someone to do something that stops them from getting hurt!
I know safety can be frustrating, most of the time you put in a lot of effort and get very little thanks or recognition for it.
Here’s a chance to set yourself a challenge and share it with us all.