Woody’s Words – Week 24 – Public Amenities

Woody's Words

Woody the Safety Bloke talks about public amenities.

Hey everyone, Woody again, one of the things that I struggle with on a daily basis is trying to find a dunny that I can get into I got a little holiday place up at Eildon in Victoria and there is no wheelchair accessible toilets so If I had to use the loo, I have to go in to one of the cubicles but I need to leave the door open while I go to the toilet.

And I’ve actually had some bloke one day, I was sitting on the toilet, doing my business and some, I think he was from overseas, some overseas tourist stood there and watched me as I was on the loo so you know, pretty embarrassing, lucky I’ve got a pretty thick skin and I told him frankly to mind his own business.

Anyhow, I’m Woody, this is Annie, stay safe Australia, see you next time.

Hey, I’ve told you before, a little holiday place up at Eildon, it’s got a public amenities block but just have a go at this, I said before there is no wheelchair accessible facilities in this little place, it’s a fairly old place and when it was built they didn’t have to provide wheelchair friendly facilities, this is the shower cubicles. I can’t actually get into the shower, my wheelchair won’t fit through the door. 

At my little cabin, I’ve got a hose out at the back of the cabin and I have a shower under a cold garden hose. So imagine if you went somewhere and you couldn’t get into the toilets or you couldn’t get into the shower facilities, certainly would make your holiday a little bit different. Anyhow, I’m Woody, stay safe Australia and this is Annie, you should know that, alright see you next time guys.

Public Amenities, stay safe, woody's words
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