Woody’s Words – Week 2 – Won’t Happen to Me

Woody's Words

Woody talks about the attitude of ‘It Won’t happen to me.’

Good day everyone. Woody here again. You know when I got hurt and the doctors told me that I’d never be able to walk again. I didn’t believe it. The first thing that went through my mind was, this doesn’t happen to me and you think about it. We just don’t think that this sort of thing happens to us. It always happens to the other person, the other workplace, or the other industry. But it happened to me. And you know for even months and years after I got hurt, I still struggled believing that I was the one that had got hurt. 

So don’t think it can’t happen to you. Go into every job and every task thinking, how can I stop myself from getting hurt here. Use the training that we’re given, use the systems and the procedures that we put in place to try and stop ourselves from getting hurt. Look, I know some of the crap that I’ve been through since my injury. You don’t want to go through some of the things that I’ve experienced. I’m Woody. Take care. 

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