Woody’s Words – Week 8 – My Career was Ruined

Woody's Words

Woody the Safety Bloke talks about how his career was ruined after his accident.

Good day everyone. Woody again. Have you ever thought about, what you would do if you couldn’t do the job that you do now? I mean, I’m a diesel mechanic by trade. So I used to be able to fix things, work on machinery, equipment, even my own cars. So I don’t think I’d ever taken the time to think about what I’d do, if I couldn’t do my job anymore. After I got hurt, one of the things that hit me pretty well straight away was that my job opportunities, or my career options have been pretty well wiped out.

I mean I couldn’t go back to fixing trucks and machinery. So rather than being able to pick and choose from different jobs, I just had to take the work that was available to me at the time, and I got to tell you, I’ve had to put up with some pretty shitty jobs since my accident. It certainly changed my career. Don’t get hurt people. It will change your life in a lot of different ways. I’m woody. See you next time.

safety speaker, wheelchair, woody, woody's words
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