Woody’s Words – Week 59 – Lifting a Tub

Woody's Words

Hi everyone. Woody here. I wanted to show something. I am doing a bit of work in my shed and I had to get a power lead out of one of my tubs. So I’ve got the tub down, no problems at all. Gravity is wonderful, but I’ve got to put this tub back up onto the top shelf. Now, it’s not that heavy, it’s probably got about, I don’t know, maybe 10 kilos in it, maybe not even that. So it’s not that heavy, but I just want to show you the fact that I can’t lift things like you can. 

What I have to do is, try and get the tub up onto my lap and the concrete’s on a bit of a slope, so I’ll keep rolling away, but I want to try and get it up onto this shelf. So I can’t physically lift it. I am going to try and balance it and get one part of it on the edge of the shelf, and then try and lift the tub. So, there you go. It’s a lot harder than it might look on the video. 

Anyhow, it’s the little things that make a difference. Don’t hate yourself. Stay safe Australia. 

dont hurt yourself, lifting, safety speaker, wheelchair, woody's words
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