Woody’s Words – Week 43 – Drive Safely in the Wet

Woody's Words

Woody the Safety Bloke & Twiggy (Safety Annie) talk about being safe in the wet!! Including bloopers…

Good day I everyone, Woody, hey listen we’ve had some pretty crappy weather in Australia this week and this month, it’s absolutely poured with rain here at the moment. I know you hear it all the time but just drive safely drive, drive to the conditions and look after yourself and your family and my little mate Twiggy is going to give you a little bit of a message, so stay safe Australia. 

Hi everybody, my name is Twiggy, just be very careful on the roads and paths, because it’s very slippery, it’s just about to start to rain in Melbourne so you gotta be very very careful, stay safe Australia.  

Hi everyone, Woody again and I’ve got my little friend with me, Twiggy. Now Twiggy’s got a very special safety message for you, it’s a bit wet and cold in Melbourne this week so Twiggy wants to share a little safety tip with you, go right ahead Twiggy.

Just be careful on the roads and the paths, cause it’s a little cold outside, thank you very much, please subscribe, thanks Twiggy.

accident, dont hurt yourself, safety in the wet, safety speaker, stay safe, wheelchair, woody's words
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