Woody’s Words – Week 29 – Changing Light Bulbs

Woody's Words

Woody the Safety Bloke talks about how many people it takes to change a light globe.

Good day everyone, Woody again, hey I’ve mentioned this in the past but one of the things that I hate is that I can’t reach things that are up high and I definitely can’t climb ladders, which means I have to rely on other people to do things for me that are up high. 

I mean we’ve got a couple of floodlights at the back here and the bulb blew the other week so I have to get my wife to change a couple of bulbs for me, I mean that’s a simple job that I could have done if I could get up a ladder and I’ll have to be honest with you, it does cause a few domestics because sometimes she doesn’t quite do it the way that I would do it, so yeah there’s a bit of tension there sometimes but we get through it, can you pass that up to Mum please, [thanks Annie] so it’s little things like that, that can make a hell of a difference. I’m woody, see you next time, stay safe Australia. 

safety annie, stay safe, wheelchair, woody's words
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