Woody’s Words – Week 39 – Another Bathroom Whinge!!

Woody's Words

Woody the Safety Bloke has had enough of 5 Star hotels saying they have accessible bathrooms!!

Hey Woody again, now I know it seems like I whinge a lot about bathrooms and accessibility but I just want to show you something. I’m staying in a five-star hotel for a conference, for a client that we’re working with and you know, we request accessible room so when I turn up and I see this, it really pisses me off, I mean whose idea of accessible is this, the shower is around here so first off the door was open inwards, you’ve gotta try and maneuver your way around there and then have a look at this, I don’t know if you can see this, but there’s a shower seat on the wall so you have gotta to try and pull that sucker down and then how do I get onto the chair, when I’m hitting a wall.

I can’t transfer a side-on the rails on the wrong side, the rail should be on this side and this is just no way an accessible bathroom, I’m going to take the owners of this hotel in, because it’s really starting to get pissed off with the fact that they can offer something as being accessible but it’s just not, I’m going to be a grumpy old wee, anyhow, stay safe Australia.

bathroom, dont hurt yourself, james wood, whinge, woody's words
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