Woody’s Words – Week 19 – Moving House

Woody's Words

Woody’s Words – Week 19 – Moving House

Woody the Safety Bloke has just moved house. See some of the changes that need to made just so he has access.

Hey everyone, Woody here again, listen some of you might know that I’ve just moved house and it’s been a pretty painful process. Now found a really nice house that we like, the first issue is that the main entrance to get in and out of the house was one, two, three four steps so we decided to buy the house but the first thing I had to do was to get a builder to build me a ramp so I could get into the property. 

So just have a think about that, go for a bit of a mental wander around your place and if you or someone in your family got hurt, how much would you have to change it to make it reasonably accessible and how much would that cost you because it’s the little costs that can make a bit of a difference, so this is my brand new flash ramp, have a go at this, so there you go, that’s how I get into my new place. I’m woody, take care, stay safe Australia. 


moving house, stay safe, wheelchair, woody's words
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