Woody’s Words – Week 1 – Intro to Woody

Woody's Words

Welcome to the first week of Woody’s Words. Woody the Safety Bloke…

aka James Wood talks about what he will be sharing in the future.

James Wood…aka “Woody the Safety Bloke”, will be sharing weekly video messages, tips, thoughts, ideas etc…

Directly from Woody himself…these will be real, unedited, some serious, some funny, some sad but all with a take away safety message to make you think!!

Woody’s words is ideal for toolbox talks, inductions or any safety presentation where you want to keep safety at the forefront.

Transcript – Safety Videos Woody’s Words – Week 1- Intro to Woody

Good day. Woody here. Can I be a little bit blunt with you for a minute? I hate the fact that I’m in a wheelchair. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve been in this thing for over 20 years and I’ve had a pretty good life since my accident. I’ve probably done some things that I never would have done. I’ve got a beautiful family, kids, nice place to live, but I don’t think there’s been one day since my accident that I hadn’t wished, it hadn’t happened. It’s not big things that get to me. I get more pissed off at the little things that I can’t do. Like I can’t reach things that are up high. I can’t get to some places in my wheelchair, and I can’t lift things that are very heavy. So I really don’t like the fact that I’m in this thing.

Now, what I want to do is show you how my accident changed my life and I want to do it by releasing some short videos that’ll show you how my life’s probably a little bit different to yours. So I want you to join me, watch my videos each week. I reckon if we can share this information, if you knew how an injury would change your life, you probably put a little bit more effort and take a little bit more time with some of the choices and some of the risks that we all take. So let’s work together on this. I reckon we can stop people from getting hurt. I’m Woody, until next time, take care. 


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Woody’s Words – Week 2 – Won’t Happen to Me

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