So we are back into visiting workplaces and sharing stories of injured workers…
Until Victoria went into a snap 5 day lockdown!
But it made me think about it’s all related to how you cope.
When I got hurt I had to work out how I was going to cope with all the changes that my injury brought with it.
COVID has been the same, it has forced changes on all of us, changes to travel, changes to lifestyle, changes to working arrangements, changes to family dynamics, the list goes on.
But how we cope with these changes is still to be seen. I have a feeling that we will see the impact of COVID for many years to come, sure we will have a vaccination program and we might manage infection rates. But the fallout from the changes brought by COVID will be impacting us in the future.
Make sure you are aware of any changes in your life and have a think about how much of it has been brought about by the impact of COVID. I do believe that we can offset some of these changes, or at least be aware that the changes are due to a major global event and not try and blame anything or anyone else for the changes that have happened.
I guess going back to my experience when I got hurt. I had to choose to accept the changes that happened to me and adjust to a new way of life.
You can do the same.