by Alan Newey
Safety Speaker
COVID-19 has taken so much from so many, but l was hoping 2021 would be a better year for all and my family. So far that’s not the case. Again I have had to rearrange work to later dates, cancel or have had jobs cancelled due to border and rule changes at a moments notice making it impossible to tell my story and hopefully make a difference.
Guess what you still have to pay the bills.
I mention in my presentation what my family went through supporting me back to health.
Now the shoe is on the other foot, my better half has fallen ill. l have been at the hospital holding her hand, not knowing what l was doing but just trying to help. Going to hospital from day break, going home late at night and breaking all the hospital COVID rules to boot. There was no way l would leave her alone, she was scared and l will tell you I am still scared.
She is home now but that is when it really hits home, you see she has 2 tubes with bags out of her back, so cannot sleep on her back. We have to sleep in different rooms. She has to get up every hour at night and l have to re-adjust her bags which is not easy only having one arm.
Seeing it from the other side has just reinforced why it is so important to hold us all accountable when it comes to safety at work and going home to our families.
This is the strength of my better half, she has told me to get back out there and make a difference so people don’t have to deal with what we have had too. I will follow her wishes and obey my boss, l’m scared to disobey her. LOL