Alan’s Updates – Bionic Arm, Hunter Safety Awards and Mine Story
Bionic arm is moving forward…. 2 steps at the moment and then 1 step back, very frustrating!
The flow on from this is overcompensating with the left arm so I now have a few issues with the left arm.
Well I cannot have the left arm out of operation as that could cause some issues.
Will keep you all updated as thing progress.
I have been nominated as a finalist at the Hunter Safety Awards and attending the awards night on March 16th in Newcastle.
Keeping my real fingers and phantom fingers crossed!!
Great to see a mine site I visited take safety so seriously.
There was a serious hand injury at this site and I saw the boss talking to his workers fighting back tears.
I cannot name the mine, due to a ongoing investigation…but it was important to see that this manager was really impacted by this incident and recognised that he needed help just like the others that had been affected.
All he wants is for all people to be on the same page with safety and all go home the same way they arrived at work.
It was a hard lesson for all, even me on that day!