Introducing Dr Lana Cormie

A Powerful Personal Story That Redefines Workplace Safety

Safety Speakers

Some voices transcend statistics and procedures in workplace safety, reaching deep into the human experience to drive meaningful change. Dr Lana Cormie, the newest addition to the CNB Safe team, brings a profound and personal perspective. Here, she shares her journey, the life-altering incident that reshaped her world, and the powerful impact she hopes to make on workplaces across the country.

A Journey of Resilience and Advocacy

Dr Lana Cormie’s journey into workplace safety advocacy was born out of tragedy. In 2018, her husband became one of the many individuals in Australia whose lives are cut short due to workplace incidents. Lana recounts the fateful day when her husband, Charlie, went to work and never returned. Whilst working in civil construction, an avoidable incident claimed not only Charlie’s life but also left Lana and her children to navigate the profound impact on their lives.

The aftermath of the incident touched every aspect of Lana’s life, from her career to her role as a sole parent. The ripple effect of workplace incidents extends far beyond the individual directly involved. Lana and her family have faced immeasurable challenges, compounded by the moral injury inflicted by the processes that followed in the wake of Charlie’s death. This fallout also highlighted severe systemic dysfunction. 

Since then, Lana has transformed her grief into a powerful force for change, becoming a dedicated advocate for safer workplaces.

Empowering Change Through Personal Stories

Lana’s mission is clear—to empower and inspire individuals to become safety advocates in their workplaces. Her message underscores the importance of keeping safety at the forefront, emphasising that “the most important part of your job is going home at the end of the day.” Her story resonates with diverse audiences by moving beyond statistics and procedures, Lana humanises workplace safety by sharing her personal story. 

Humanising Workplace Safety

Lana stresses the universal relevance of her message and emphasises the emotional connection created through storytelling, reminding audiences that no one is immune to the effects of unsafe work practices. The feedback from her audience highlights the impact of her powerful narrative.

Drawing on the power of storytelling, Lana’s lived experience presentation adds a crucial element to work health and safety (WHS) messaging. Tangible changes in safety culture become apparent as individuals connect with her narrative on a personal level.

Fostering a Safer Work Environment

Based on her personal experience, Lana offers invaluable insight to businesses, stressing that safety must be intrinsically embedded in every individual and every task. She advocates for a safety culture that goes beyond procedures to create a genuine and personal connection.

Lana reiterates a fundamental truth—everyone has the right to return home safely. Safety is not a one-time effort; it’s an ongoing process that demands continuous attention and commitment.

BOOK LANA in 2024

Dr Lana Cormie’s inclusion in the CNB Safe team marks the continuation of her story as a catalyst for positive change. Her journey, marked by resilience and advocacy, is a testament to personal storytelling’s transformative power in shaping a genuine workplace safety culture. Lana is available for face-to-face presentations throughout Victoria and online nationally. To book a presentation for 2024 and embark on your organisation’s journey towards a safer future, contact CNB Safe today.

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