Woody’s Words – Week 5 – Chronic Pain

Woody's Words

Woody talks about Chronic Pain

Good morning everyone. Woody here. It’s about a four thirty in the morning. I am out in my shed. One of the side effects of a spinal cord injury or for many injuries in fact, is fairly chronic pain. I do suffer from quite a lot of pain. Sometimes it prevents me from sleeping, like this morning and so I just came out in the shed and if I can occupy my mind in other ways, it sort of takes the focus away from the pain. To try and explain it, it’s like a really stinging, burning, sensation in my bum and the back of my legs. There’s no medication or any treatment that I found that can actually ease the pain.

So the best thing that I do is just try and occupy myself in other ways. It means I’ll struggle throughout the day. I mean I’ll be tired by about lunchtime, but unfortunately that’s just part and parcel of the situation that I am in. So yeah, when something like this happens to you, there’s just so many other factors involved. So don’t hurt yourselves people, and really it’s not worth it for all of the different ways that it changes your life. I’m Woody. Until next time, take care.

Chronic Pain, james wood, safety, safety speaker, stay safe, woody's words
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