Woody’s Words – Week 38 – Getting out of my wheelchair

Woody's Words

Woody the Safety Bloke comes to you from the pool!!

Hey everyone, Woody here, hey listen I was thinking the other day, there’s really not too many things that I can do without my wheelchair but one of the things that I can do is get into the pool, now that’s probably the only way that I can move around without my wheelchair, I can’t swim for shit, I’m a really bad swimmer but you know just getting in the pool and floating, it relieves all the pressure on my bum and the back of my legs, gives me a little bit of buoyancy and it’s also good too because the kids and my wife can get in and yeah we can have a bit of fun in the swimming pool. 

So it’s just something to think about, you know I’m pretty much restricted to being in my chair most of the day and there’s not many things that I can do without my wheelchair, anyhow, I’m Woody, apologies for the nudity, I’ll see you next time, stay safe Australia. 

james wood, pool, swim, wheelchair, woody's words
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