Woody’s Words – Week 22 – Seatbelts cause Injuries?

Woody's Words

Woody the Safety Bloke shares his thoughts on Seatbelts

Good day everyone, Woody here, hey listen over the last six months or so, I’ve had a couple of discussions or even arguments with people about seatbelts. Now look, I’m the first one to admit, I’m not a safety expert, I’ve got no qualifications in safety, all I can talk about is what happened to me and I know that if I had a seat belt on, I would have been held inside the vehicle and I wouldn’t have got thrown out and I probably and I say probably because I just don’t know, I probably wouldn’t have sustained the injuries that I sustained but I’ve met a few people that have come up to me and said, James I know someone that had an accident and if they had a seatbelts on, they would have been killed.

Now I’m not going to argue with that because I reckon if you look at statistics, if you have a hundred or even a thousand accidents, motor vehicle accidents, you might get one or two or even three people that by having a seatbelts on, the injuries that they sustained is going to be a little bit worse but you’re going to have 997 or 998 out of that thousand that are going to be a hell of a lot better off. 

So you know I do get a little bit frustrated with these people saying that you know a seat belt cause more injuries because in most cases, a seat belt is the best thing that you can be wearing, when you’re in a vehicle or a piece of machinery. Anyhow just my views, I’m woody, stay safe Australia. 


safety speaker, Seatbelts, stay safe, woody's words
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