What is Woody’s Words?

Woody's Words


Woody’s Words are safety talks directly from Woody himself…these will be real, unedited, some serious, some funny, some sad but all with a take away safety message to make you think!!

Woody the Safety Bloke, from CNBSafe Safety Speakers Australia, will be uploading weekly messages onto the CNBSafe website.

Your company can share these safety videos with employees in your workplace. These safety talks are based on Woody’s experience traveling around Australia and speaking for the past 15 years. He has gained some insight into which safety presentations work and which don’t.

But Woody would appreciate some feedback from you. Send him an email about what your company would like to be shared with its employees. Topics or messages you would like discussed and shared. CNBSafe Motivational Safety Speakers Australia CNBSafe motivational safety speakers have all been affected by workplace injury or fatality.

The stories they tell are real life messages of how getting hurt or killed while doing their job has changed their lives. Presentations are offered in workplaces throughout Australia and New Zealand, including Queensland and Western Australia.

woody's words
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