‘What are things people often overlook when someone gets hurt?’
While the incident itself is always the primary focus when it occurs, it is often the aftermath and overlooked factors that can have significant long-term impacts.
CNB Speakers shed light on aspects that are frequently neglected following a workplace incident, such as the realisation that things will never be the same again.
A consistent message from all speakers is the enduring impact that workplace injuries or fatalities have on everyone involved.
‘What are things people often overlook when someone gets hurt?’

Michelle Rath
People initially sympathise with families that experience workplace loss but they don’t really understand the lifelong consequences for the people left behind as we aim to form what can only be described as a new normal. Throughout this, friendships are lost, and relationships are tested which adds to one’s grief experience. Because putting it simply ‘ we will never be who we once were’

Michael Weston
- It potentially is life changing…for the worse.
- It’s not just about ourselves, it’s about everyone that we love and care about that will also be affected. The ripple effect is real.
- The financial burden. Insurance support will run out. Transitioning to either reduced or zero income can affect relationships and mental health.
- Mental Illness is a common after effect following an incident / injury.

Lana Cormie
The aftermath of a workplace fatality is an experience which I would never wish upon anyone. It is a lonely experience, where the loved ones left behind are largely alone in navigating a system which is complex and doesn’t work in the way one would expect.
In my experience, one of the most distressing aspects is the lack of information regarding how and why your person died. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to come to terms with what has happened. There are so many aspects of the experience which one could not imagine if you have not been through it.
Most of all, the recovery is long, with loved ones left deeply affected for many years, if not for life – perhaps full recovery never actually occurs. Losing a loved one at work will change you as a person forever.

Alan Newey
The flow on to others is a big one.
The pain the injured go through, it is too much for them to handle and they don’t want to face it or you.
People overlook your feelings and don’t know how to react so you become a different person to them.
Some of you will think what if I did something different that would have prevented the incident. Problem with that is they take their eyes off keeping themselves safe for their families etc overlooking their own importance.
With our presentations we try to prevent that.

James Wood
People overlook the impact that it has on others, often the focus is just on the person injured or killed at work, but in reality many other people can be affected.
People overlook the fact that it can impact the workplace if someone is hurt or killed. People overlook the cost of an injury, house mods, car mods, loss of income to the household, ongoing medical treatment, loss of a worker to the business, mental health issues arising from the injury or fatality…