Light at the end of the tunnel

by Alan Newey

With Melbourne’s 7-day lockdown now reaching world record status, if lockdown ends as planned on October 26, we would have spent 267 days in hard lockdown.

Not to mention the amount of commitments to safety around Australia we could not reach due to lockdowns (Bloody Depressing).

How draining has it been on everyone, not just financially but on a personal level and the ongoing impact on our mental state.
I hope I’m right, seeing little flickers of hope with the talk of 80% vaccinations.

This might be selfish but I don’t really care anymore, I want out and to get on with life.
My light at the end of the tunnel is travel and I’m seeing things like airfares to Bali coming online with the hotels that l have to get back too. You must try and find a positive for your personal state of mind and travel is it for me.

My two passions are safety and travel and if travel opens maybe we can get back to my other passion, people’s safety again.


Air Travel, Alan Newey, mental health, safety speaker, Safety Talks, stay safe, travel
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