It’s a buzz word in most workplaces these days, The Leadership Team or Leadership Group.

But what about at home? We are coming into some good weather down here in Melbourne so I’ve been getting out on my bike for my daily allowed exercise time (we are still in lockdown).

I’ve been surprised and a little disappointed to see how many parents are out riding with their kids with no helmet on. The kids have a helmet but the parents are riding alongside or behind them with not a helmet in sight.

Is this poor leadership OR just bad parenting?

At what age or stage do the parents say to the kids, “You are a bit older now, you don’t have to wear a helmet.” Or when do the kids start saying, “You don’t wear a helmet so why do I have to?”

When I went through rehab after my accident there were 3 people in the rehab centre that all had injuries that could have been prevented by a helmet. Two of them had an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and one of them broke his neck after hitting his head on the ground falling off his bike.

C’mon Parents, show some Leadership

james wood, leadership, parents, safety, safety speaker, stay safe
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Wheels in Motion – August 2021 – COVID Projects – Taxi rides – Safety through others eyes
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UTI’s Hurt – Physically & Mentally

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