Proud moment here…. Just wanted to share.
Some of you may know that during lockdown I wrote a short book called “12 Reasons Not To Get Hurt at Work”. It was supposed to be an informative no BS look into some of the ways that my injury has changed my life.
It’s been going great with some of my clients using it as a reference or to give to employees to reinforce how an injury can change lives.
Last year I had a call from Helene Rooks from the Victorian Applied Learning Association (VALA) explaining that she had obtained a copy of my book and asked me if I would be interested in partnering with them to develop a resource they could use in Victorian Schools for VCE VM students in YR11 and YR12.
Of course I said YES!
Over the next few months the brilliant Natalie Purves and Helene created two amazing programs, the It Hurts Disability Inclusion Expo and the It Hurts Workplace Safety Program.
The first program is for YR11 students and designed to expose the students to some of the issues faced by a person with disability on a daily basis, they will be required to create a “Stall” to share some of the things they discover while exploring the program.
The second program is for YR12 students and provides opportunities to learn about their rights as a young worker entering the workforce and to educate them on what safety really means.
The best thing about both of these programs is it will give students and young adults access to information that they would not normally think about.
I’m extremely proud that VALA saw the messages in my book and asked me to be part of this, it’s the sort of thing I would have loved to do when I was at school.
If you know any teachers that you think would like to use these programs with their school they can visit here for more information.
Who would’ve thought that someone who didn’t even finish school would one day be involved in sharing stories and messages with schools and students.
Proud Woody.
To access the It Hurts! Expo Program to use at your school contact VALA via the website or at