As we begin a new year with a clean slate, we’re often asked about our intentions, resolutions, goals, or wishes—whatever term resonates most with you.

The dictionary defines a New Year’s resolution as…

“a firm decision made on New Year’s Eve or Day to do or refrain from doing something over the course of the coming year.”

But truly, it’s more than just that. A resolution is a promise to yourself—a commitment to improve your life in a way that feels meaningful to you. Making that promise means you’re more likely to think twice before breaking it.

Whatever you choose to call it, we asked our speakers what their intentions are for 2025.


When I was asked if I had a resolution for 2025, my first thought was that I just want to survive it.

But in essence, I wish to do better than that, I’d prefer to give more than I get.  I mean in all aspects of my life but none more so than to use my family’s experience to help those that are navigating the path of grief on a personal level. There are so many out there that just don’t know how to cope or manage their emotions during such a time…

Outside of this, I intend to find my way into an area that for me is pure enjoyment – walking great distances to better my health. I find it a good place to be mentally when I need to walk it off or just to let my mind think.


For 2025, my wife and I decided to choose something that we really wanted to change that would benefit and improve the safety and wellbeing in our own lives. These changes needed to be simple, realistic and had to start immediately otherwise it won’t happen.

Safety – We recently downsized our residence from a large house to an apartment and whilst we have read the fire evacuation plan for the building, we don’t have one specifically for our own apartment. So we have now discussed all the “what if’s” and have a plan of action for us to evacuate if we can’t get out of our own apartment due to a fire in the outside corridors.

Wellbeing – 2024 was a busy year for both my wife and I and whilst we set time aside for downtime, this time for relaxing was many months apart. So for 2025, we have planned multiple mini getaways. Just a few days at a time but more frequent will sustain our wellbeing.


I don’t have a resolution, I always break them.

I do have some intentions to start a new phase of my life, well I hope to, but lets see.

I would like to sell my house in the second half of the year, moving only 300m up the road to a new development, if all works out. With what we all do as speakers, I hope to cover more ground than last year, retire from Bunnings and enjoy life more.

For the last three years, life has not been good. But it will be worse if l let it become boring… so let’s shake it up. eg. I am trying to get permission to jump out of a plane and land at a beach bar in Bali but I am still in negotiations (P.S. No one will insure me).

I would like to add some wishes.

To all my fellow speakers… for what everyone has been through, my wish is for you to have better years to come. We do the presentations for our families but more importantly, for the people who are no longer with us and their memories.


I don’t normally make a New Year’s Resolution as I struggle to keep them but before Christmas last year I was looking around my shed at all of the “Stuff” I have collected over the years.

Old car parts that I “might” just need one day, hose fittings, tins of paint with a centimetre or two left in the bottom, garden bits and pieces etc…

So I decided to make my New Years Resolution to get rid of some of this useless stuff.

I’ll let you know how I go, did you make a NY Resolution?

Alan Newey, james wood, lana cormie, michael weston, michelle rath, safety, Safety Speakers, wheels in motion
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