Woody the Safety Bloke comes to you from the Tanami Desert.
Timely reminder with some hot weather reminders…
Good day everyone, its Woody again, hey listen this week I’m coming to you from the Tanami desert in the Northern Territory. I’m doing some work for a mine site up here, it’s been a good week but I’ve come from Melbourne and it was a bit cooler in Melbourne when I left and I got up here and it’s already in the mid-30s and you know summer really hasn’t hit here yet, so it’s probably a good time to do a couple of quick reminders about the hot weather.
I know a lot of us, we work in the hot weather, probably the most important thing is drink heaps of this stuff, you know I mean, I know it’s hard to chug a liter of water every hour but if you’re working outdoors in the hot weather, keep your fluids up, sunscreen, this one’s a fifty plus so you know make sure you cover yourself in sunscreen in the morning, long sleeves, long pants and a hat, now I know you’re not kids, you don’t need to be told those things but it’s just a good timely reminder coming into the hot weather, stay hydrated, work in the shade if you can and stay safe Australia. I’m woody, see you next time.