Welcome to the 100th Edition of Wheels in Motion
Some of you have been with us for all of these Editions….
Yes over 9 years!!This month I share a friend’s experience with Drink Driving and
ask about Pool Covers & Burnouts.
My long time friend Tanya shares her story on making a CHOICE.
ENTER Woody’s Words COMPETITION to be in the running for a
CHOICES The James Wood Story DVD Training Package
Some of you have been with us for all of these Editions….
Yes over 9 years!!This month I share a friend’s experience with Drink Driving and
ask about Pool Covers & Burnouts.
My long time friend Tanya shares her story on making a CHOICE.
ENTER Woody’s Words COMPETITION to be in the running for a
CHOICES The James Wood Story DVD Training Package
Take care and look out for each other.
James Wood & The CNBSafe Team