Michael Weston

Speaker Spotlight – Featuring Michael Weston

Introducing Michael Weston, our mental health and safety speaker who lives with a permanent disability (Acquired Brain Injury) and has experienced mental health challenges (Anxiety, Depression & PTSD) as a result of workplace stress and lack of work/life balance. 

For the past 5 years, Michael has been sharing his story across Australia as a CNB speaker to help people understand the importance of applying safety to every aspect of life. 

To take you behind the scenes of his talk, ‘Head Above Water’, Michael shares his experience, thoughts, motivation and all that comes with being a mental health and safety speaker during an interview with CNB.  

Sharing a life changing incident to help others

Educating people about the importance of wellbeing and safety is a value CNB and Michael share and one of the key reasons how our journey began. 

“Following two years of an intensive Cognitive Rehabilitation Program in 2015, I made the decision to turn a negative event into a positive by sharing my motivating and inspirational lived experience story and learnings to others.

In 2018, James and I met when he was in Perth to discuss the potential of having me as a mental health and safety speaker… the rest was history.

I have been speaking on behalf of CNB since 2018 and have loved each step of the way. We are all making a difference.”

Safety, beyond the toolbox talk

To hear Michael’s thoughts on what safety in the workplace means to him, we asked him about his personal experience and advice when it comes to safety. 

“For me, safety in the workplace has always been about:

  • personal accountability by looking after my own safety,
  • the responsibility of looking out for others around me,
  • to never walk past an unsafe act or unsafe environment, 
  • to consistently lead by example.

These are four values I have lived by for 20 years whilst working in the mining industry.”

Michael’s journey makes it clear safety goes beyond the toolbox talk or policies and procedures. More than ever, it extends to understanding and protecting individual mental health and wellbeing.  Recognising this, we asked what would have helped him while he was struggling with mental health in the workplace.

“When I was going through mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression and PTSD, all I ever wanted was someone to start a conversation with me. To not simply ask if I was ok as a passing comment, but to take the time to engage with me, actively listen to what I was going through and to encourage me to seek help.”

Speaking safety and mental health at CNB

“I’m proud to be a part of a business that is as passionate as I am about sharing lived experiences, with the aim to educate people on the importance of safety and wellbeing.

I have loved being part of the CNB team. They have provided me with the platform and support to share my story and learnings with a greater network. From a business perspective, CNB provide a consistent and high level of customer service which ticks all my boxes when it comes to my life values.”

Onboarding speakers like Michael who are sharing their story to educate others about safety is an integral part of how we operate. The value that’s created by sharing real life experiences about safety is the reason we have been and will continue to be open to new opportunities and partnerships like this. 

Beyond Blue

As well as sharing his story with workplaces across Australia with CNB, Michael also acts as a brand ambassador at the not-for-profit, Beyond Blue. 

“I’m passionate about raising awareness about mental health and thought that it was a great way for me to give back to the community by volunteering my time as a Beyond Blue Speaker.

I’ve been representing Beyond Blue since 2018 and just love that I can support this not-for-profit organisation and make a difference for people in the community that wouldn’t usually have access to speakers like myself.”

Safety starts with you

Michael concluded with an appeal to remember that “safety doesn’t start at work and finish at work. It goes well beyond this, so apply safety in all parts of your life.”

To continue a conversation with Michael at your workplace, see his upcoming and limited availability on the CNB website. 

Reserve your spot here.

michael weston
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Talking Mental Health And Safety With Michael Weston

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