Because Safety is Still Human

Because Safety Is Still Human

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Why Safety Initiatives Remain Vital in 2023 and Beyond

In a consistently demanding and complex environment, it’s easy to overlook the importance of safety initiatives. While statistics and regulations are crucial components of workplace safety, the human element drives the point home. This is where Safe Work Australia’s, National Safe Work Month 2023 plays a pivotal role, emphasising why such initiatives remain as essential as ever.

National Safe Work Month, observed annually in October, brings individuals and organisations together across Australia to champion workplace safety. The theme for 2023, “For everyone’s safety, work safely,” resonates deeply with the broader mission of safety awareness.

As we navigate times of diverse economic, efficiency and productivity challenges it’s worth considering why safety initiatives remain critical:

1. Human-Centered Perspective: The core of workplace safety is people. The stories of individuals affected by workplace incidents offer a human-centred perspective that statistics and regulations often lack. They remind us that safety isn’t just about numbers; it’s about the lives and well-being of those involved.

2. Heightening Awareness National safety initiatives, like Safe Work Month, play a crucial role in raising awareness about ongoing risks in various industries. They underscore that, despite progress in safety measures, accidents still occur, and lives continue to be disrupted.

3. Encouraging Compliance: Many individuals need a compelling reason to adhere to safety training and follow procedures. Real-life stories provide a personal and relatable motivation. They convey that safety is not merely about avoiding penalties but about protecting oneself and one’s colleagues.

4. Fostering Change: Safety initiatives often lead to policy improvements, enhanced training, and better safety protocols. By sharing real stories, these initiatives can motivate organisations to enhance their safety measures and invest in the well-being of their employees.

5. Advocating Shared Responsibility: Safety in the workplace is a shared commitment. Initiatives reinforce that it’s the collective responsibility of all stakeholders, from management to employees.

The Power of Real-Life Stories

CNB Safe’s speakers are catalysts for change. They share personal experiences that illustrate the ripple effect of workplace incidents, demonstrating how they impact not only the individual but their families and colleagues. Through their stories, they highlight why safety initiatives are necessary to prevent such incidents and promote a culture of safety.

Whilst industries and internal pressures evolve and change, the need for safety initiatives remains. They remind us that, beyond the regulations and statistics, there are real lives at stake. By placing a human face on safety, they motivate us to continue working together to create safe and healthy workplaces for all Australians.

Find out what this initiative means to each of CNB Safe speakers as they share their thoughts in the video here.

Thank you!

Thank you to all of the organisations who gave us the opportunity to share our message of safety during National Safe Work Month 2023.  

Camden Council
Camden Council
City of Casey
City of Casey
Anglo American – Aquila Mine
Anglo American - Aquila Mine
City of Stonnington
City of Stonnington
Lite n’ Easy – QLD, NSW,

Lite n' Easy - QLD
Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service
Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service
Winc Australia
Winc Australia
Transport for NSW
Transport for NSW
Gladstone Ports Corporation
Gladstone Ports Corporation
Squadron Energy
Squadron Energy
Thiess – Peak Downs Mine 
Royal Australian Mint
Royal Australian Mint
Tourism Holdings
Tourism Holdings
CHEP Australia
CHEP Australia
Soil Conservation Service
Soil Conservation Service
James Hardie
James Hardie
CPB Contractors
CPB Contractors
Monash University
Monash University
Hi-Quality Group
Hi-Quality Group
, safety
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A Powerful Personal Story That Redefines Workplace Safety

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