Alan Newey


Can you imagine being right handed and losing your right arm above the elbow! Alan can…
A workplace incident changed Alan’s life forever and he is still dealing with the effects of losing a limb!
Alan shares his story to inform you that when you get hurt at work it changes EVERYTHING!

Available all locations 

Nathan – QLD – 16th July

Available online globally

Michelle Rath


‘January is just soul destroying & devastating.
It is the month we lost our son Alex and our world changed. ‘
When a worker gets hurt or killed doing their job the immediate focus is on the person that it happens to!
Have you ever thought about that person’s family or friends?

Available all locations 

Available online globally

Michael Weston

Mental Health

‘Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.’ Michael lives with an ABI due to workplace stress and mental fatigue. Work/Life balance became Work/Work balance with a bit of life thrown in when it didn’t interfere with the job.
Something had to give, and it was Michael’s body.

Brisbane – QLD – 27th & 28th March

Available online globally

Lana Cormie


Losing a family member is tough, but losing a partner and a parent to your children is unimaginable.
I went from a happy mum, wife and vet, who was like most people blissfully unaware of what happens when systems fail and a loved one dies a traumatic death with no warning.

Available within Victoria

Available online globally

James Wood


I was at a great stage in my life, living independently, great job and career options, nice car and a couple of motorbikes. Good friends and a steady relationship. All of this changed because I made some wrong CHOICES while doing a simple job at work! ‘This doesn’t happen to me!’…that was what went through my head when I was told I had broken my back & damaged my spinal cord.

Collie – WA – 5th & 6th March

Altona – VIC – 28th April

North Melbourne – VIC – 29th April

Dandenong – VIC – 30th April

Derrimut – VIC – 1st May

Sydney CBD – NSW – 18th September

Available online globally


Our Speakers share their stories to try and show workplaces and management groups the REAL impact that workplace incidents can have and the reason that we must all be involved in SAFETY.

Our stories bring reality to all of the effort and resources that a business puts into safety, most people need a REASON to use the training and systems and procedures that you put in place. Our Speakers give them that reason by showing and explaining how their workplace accidents changed their lives and affected many of the people around them.

The stories we tell are not about statistics or procedures, they are real life messages on how getting hurt or killed while doing your job will change your life!

‘Helping workers embrace Safety by turning a bunch of rules into a way of life’


We want to work with you on your safety & wellbeing journey.

We will discuss the right speaker, combination of speakers around the relevant themes and topics that your people will relate to.

We can tailor a presentation for you that can include a speaker to visit your workplace, safety day or conference.

We will take the guesswork out of what you need to come up with for your next safety theme.

We want to evolve the way employees think about safety, the old days of being told what to do or doing it because you ’Have’ to do it are gone!

James Wood



Michelle gave a Mother’s side of an industrial fatality, it was well presented, the story being about life post incident more than focusing on the incident itself. Audience was attentive throughout which speaks volumes for the message being delivered.

Dean Sharland
Site Manager - Crestmead

Dr. Lana Cormie delivered a powerful and insightful presentation on safety in the workplace.
She demonstrated a deep understanding of safety principles, backed by her unfortunate life experience that she was faced with.
What sets Lana apart is not only her knowledge but also her passion for promoting a culture of safety. It was evident that she genuinely cares about the well-being of individuals in the workplace and she really is fighting to share her message because no one should experience anything like she did and she still is.
I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Lana Cormie to any organisation seeking a speaker who can educate, inspire, and instil a culture of safety.

Daniela Ilievska
Junior Process Engineer

Alan provided an incredibly moving and personal presentation that is so important and beneficial to hear, regardless of your area of work. Alan is an exceptional person and shares his story in the most touching way.

Emma McDonald
Business Support Officer, Health and Safety

James‘ story was very relevant about what can occur when unsafe choices are made. Our organisation is rebuilding a Safety-First culture and Woody’s message, including how life is for him nearly 30 years on, was very relevant to our staff. We would engage CNB again for any similar stories moving forward.

Brendan Smith
WHS Manager

Michael’s story is so engaging and hits home. You can visually see the atmosphere in the room shift as Michael’s presentation goes on. It was very powerful to see some of the sessions I attended with Michael that had ‘mental health shares’ at the end and people felt empowered from Michael sharing his story. I went home the night after first hearing Michael’s story and downloaded it to my husband as there was so many things I wanted to share with him.

Kirsty Iszlaub
Safety & Environment Systems Lead


