Video Bundles – Download Today
Over the last few years we have been approached on more than one occasion…
’Can we buy Woody’s Words Videos so we can share with our teams as part of our Safety Strategy?’
Well we listened, sorted out the technology and Woody’s Words Videos are now available to purchase and download to watch whenever you like at your business, the company you work for or at home with your family. We have packaged up the full series of 80 videos so you get access to all the trials and tribulations, thoughts, everyday life and sharings from James Wood directly in a light hearted but serious way. Watch any Woody’s Words video here
Interested in a specific topic? We have solved this for you too, by bundling up a number of similar themed video’s to create the following bundles.
General Safety – Can’t do Anymore – Physical Safety – Mental Health – Children – Accessibility and Costs
Let Woody share in his own words…