Wheels in Motion – October 2021 – Buy My Book

Wheels in Motion

National Safety Month was a little different this year with many workplaces running ‘On-Line’ Safety sessions and programs, it looks like this will be a new way of providing safety news and information. But don’t forget that we can still get a speaker to visit your workplace.

We are excited that borders are opening and hopefully we have seen the end of the dreaded ‘Lockdowns’ so contact us now if you would like to arrange something in the lead up to Christmas or back to work in January.

12 Reasons NOT to get hurt at work…. has been released, have you ordered your copy yet?

Woody unashamedly asks you all…to make him a Best Seller!!

12 reasons, book, dont hurt yourself, james wood, safety speaker, stay safe, wheelchair, woody's words
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Wheels in Motion – September 2021 – Leadership
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