Safety Toolbox Talks – CNBSafe Talks Safety in the Workplace

At CNB Safe, James Wood knows the value of having safety information at the ready. He also knows the impact that choices have on employees, the workplace environment, and employers. At CNBSafe, we dedicate ourselves to spreading the word about safety. We strive to unite formerly injured employees with people in the workforce. Our mission is to instil the importance of making proper choices, wearing the appropriate gear and following workplace safety regulations at all times.

CNBSafe provides a variety of safety tools for your business. Our goal is to get the word out to your employees and remind them to think first and act second while keeping safety in mind. These safety tools include seminars, presentation, a training DVD, unique speakers and safety toolbox talks. While our speaker presentations share personal stories, the safety tool box talks are an interactive informational discussion on a safety topic. Whether you wish to discuss appropriate tools or work attire, safety toolbox talks engage employees by delivering safety information and allowing a question and answer period after the presentation. The safety tool box talks provide employees an opportunity to raise any safety concerns they may have.

Visit us online to book your safety presentation or experience the toolbox safety talks. Allow our safety tools to help you make your workplace secure and productive.

