Michelle Rath offers workplaces something different!

When a worker gets hurt or killed doing their job the immediate focus is on the person that it happens to!

Have you ever thought about that person’s family or friends?

Alex is Michelle’s youngest son, he was working as a refrigeration & air conditioning apprentice when he was killed in a workplace incident.

Michelle Rath explains that the worst days are days when Alex SHOULD be there, birthdays, family times.

“January is a month I fear. Knowing we celebrate his birthday on the 16th and he is not here for me to hug. January 19th is the day we lost Alex & our world changed. Everybody respects just how hard this is for me as this used to be my birthday as well…Not any more! January 29th is the day we farewelled Alex so another day we struggle through!…..”

“January is just soul destroying & devastating….”

Then there are the “Triggers” that make you think of how much you miss them, like a favourite song or piece of music or you see a car like the one they used to drive!



Loss in the Workplace –
Alex’s Story

Michelle wants employees & employers to know what it is like to lose a loved one because of an incident at work. If we are aware of the impact then maybe we can think a bit more about how we can stop people from getting hurt or killed while doing their job.

No one should have to go through what our family has to now live with. Alex will always be a part of our lives but we are left wondering about those tomorrows that will now never come…

The painful truth is that he is no longer here and life for us has changed forever.

If you would like to hear how an accident at work can impact on other people invite Michelle to share her story with your workplace.

Read more about Michelle’s presentation ‘Loss in the Workplace – Alex’s Story’ HERE



Michelle’s message was powerful, passionate and personal, and really drove home the importance of health and safety. Hearing the impact her own personal tragedy had on her and all those around her certainly gave our workforce a chance to think about and look at our own work and operations with a view to ensure that safety is being given sufficient focus and not being sacrificed. Such a privilege to hear such a personal story that has given staff another reason to take a minute to think about and evaluate their own work and the impact it can have. Highly recommended.

Alex Firth
WHS Officer

We were lucky enough to have Michelle Rath attend a Risk Workshop and share her story.
Her presentation or telling of her story, captivated all attendees for the entire time.
Discussions occurred directly after Michelle finished, including not only why we have safety management systems, but the importance of knowing and following so we all go home to our loved ones.
Michelle also spent time after her presentation speaking to attendees over lunch, which was a nice touch.
I would definitely recommend having Michelle come to share her story, and hopefully prevent further incidents in the workplace.

Shane Jaensch
Safety & Risk Officer
Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT)

CNB speakers were easy to work with and allowed the process to flow smoothly. Michelle’s presentation was relevant to the theme of the event and was able to connect with the audience. The presentation itself was delivered clearly, and impacted all that were watching to at least consider their actions with greater thought.

Evan Cooper

Michelle gave a Mother’s side of an industrial fatality, it was well presented, the story being about life post incident more than focusing on the incident itself. Audience was attentive throughout which speaks volumes for the message being delivered.

Dean Sharland
Site Manager - Crestmead
Visy Recycling


