Health and Safety Speakers
Who we are
CNB Safe Speakers is a business that provides Health and Safety Motivational Speakers to your workplace sharing their real life safety stories. Our speakers have all been personally affected by workplace injury or fatality.
What we do
Our CNB Safe Speakers are not safety professionals but are highly experienced Health and Safety Motivational Speakers who share their safety journey all over Australia and New Zealand. As a Health and Safety Speaker they are not about Statistics or procedures but about delivering real life safety presentations that will motivate your team to take safety seriously for themselves and others.
Health and Safety Motivational Speakers for your People
People all around the world have been sharing stories to motivate, support and help others for centuries. At CNB Safe Speakers this is the way we like to deliver our information to your people. Our Health and Safety Motivational Speakers are injured workers or a family member that has lost a loved one. They will visit your workplace, Safety Day or Safety Conference and share their safety message.

Why have Health and Safety Motivational Speakers at your business?
Our Health and Safety Motivational Speakers are willing to share their safety journey and tell you how a fatality or an injury changed their lives. A Health and Safety Speaker will impact your team and have lasting impact that no policy or procedure will.
What will a Health & Safety Speaker share when they speak?
Our Health and Safety Motivational Speakers will share their own personal story. From what happened, how it impacted themselves and others, the effect on the workplace and the ongoing aftermath of a workplace injury or fatality.
What can you ask a Health & Safety Speaker to share?
You can ask whatever you wish of the CNBSafe Health & Safety Speaker. Our Health & Safety Speakers visit your workplace to share all aspects of their accident or the fatality that impacted them so that you can learn from the experience of our Health and safety Speakers.
There is no question you can not ask of our Health and Safety Speakers as it is their role to educate you and why you don’t want to be in their position.
How a Health & Safety Speaker can benefit your business?
A Health and Safety Motivational Speaker can benefit your business by raising awareness, being highly unique, informative and extremely thought provoking. They enable your staff to see the real results of a workplace injury or death.
Health & Safety Speakers stress the importance of looking out for each other as well as yourself, By running safety talks with a real life Health and Safety Speaker many businesses have reported reduced incident and injury rates therefore proving that safety presentations really work.
Our Health & Safety Speakers can tailor their safety presentation to suit the group and safety talks will make people understand how getting hurt can change your life.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) people have about our Health and Safety Motivational Speakers?
Can I speak to the Health and Safety Speaker I book prior to the event?
At CNBSAFE Safety Speakers, the Health and Safety Motivational Speakers we represent are highly professional. As such, they like to be fully briefed on the objectives you have for your site visit/event/safety day etc well before it takes place. While CNBSAFE Safety Speakers will talk to you at length and complete a full brief, you are more than welcome and we encourage this for you to talk over the phone with the health and safety speaker you book.
Alan’s presentation kept everyone enthralled and put a different perspective on safety for everyone who attended. I would recommend Alan to any business to show the reality behind an incident & the impact that an incident has on not only the injured person, but their family friends & work colleagues.
Pat Goldie, Manager – Downer Group