CNBSafe Provides Unique Workplace Safety Perspective with Conference Speakers in Australia, including Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney

Workplace safety is no joke and often informational videos and management-led toolbox talks are not enough to get the message across. It’s a real thing that you can only achieve when all employees have a real sense of the reality of being safe. At CNBSafe, we provide conference speakers Australia’s businesses can turn to for an experience employees won’t soon forget. Our speakers don’t just arrive at your site to educate employees on safe practices. Instead, they are real people with real experiences relating to workplace accidents. Witnessing or suffering a severe injury in the workplace has impacted their lives directly, and they can educate your employees first-hand on why safety means more than just knowing the rules. It also means knowing why those rules exist. When you expose your employees to the real experiences of our conference speakers in Brisbane, your workplace will become a safer place to work.

CNBSafe Offers a Different Point of View with Conference Speakers from Which Australian Workers Can Learn From

Alan Newey learned the hardest way there is that workplace accidents have long lasting and far reaching effects. After receiving instructions to perform maintenance on an unsafe conveyor belt, an accident occurred and Alan lost his right arm. During his talk, Alan will discuss with your employees the circumstances of his accident and the toll it takes on him and his family. He will discuss his rehabilitation, prescription drug dependence, and how he copes. Few other conference speakers Melbourne can hire present such a compelling story as Alan’s. His talk also stresses the necessity for a working connection between employees and managers to avoid unsafe work situations. Without that effort among all in the workplace, actual safety is unobtainable.

Don’t just continue to rely on instruction in safe practices. Bringing in one of CNBSafe’s conference speakers can open your staff’s eyes to the realities and dangers that work can entail. Some people need a good reason to listen to safety rules. Alan’s story will give those people all the reasons they need.

Avoid The Perils of Workplace Accidents by Reinforcing Concern for Safety

Creating a work environment where employees avoid injury and death is a group concern. Management cannot expect employees to always be cautious if they feel there is an expectation towards accomplishing tasks even if it means using unsafe methods. Alan’s story highlights the need for cooperation as well as the right attitude between both managers and employees. Among safety conference speakers in Sydney, Alan’s perspective offers something new that can have real results in your company. Give employees a reason to care: show them what can happen if they don’t. CNBSafe believes firmly in the value of its message and looks forward to an invitation into your workplace. For booking information, please call us right away on 03 97302900!

