I’ve been travelling a lot lately, but I’ve been doing it a little differently. As we slowly transition to a post COVID normal I have chosen to drive to the workplaces that invite me to share my story.
I recently did a 4500km road trip from Victoria to NSW then SA and back to Victoria. I have just returned from another road trip, it was awesome?
I noticed on my trip that there are constant road works, upgrades, repairs, maintenance, linemarking, guard rail installations and every other job needed to keep our roads in a driveable state.
I also noticed that some drivers don’t give a shit about road workers and their safety!
On my trip I was overtaken in a construction zone twice, I was flashed from behind (with headlights…. Not the other type of flashed) for going the speed limit at least 10 times by peanuts who either can’t read or just don’t give a crap!
Ok devil’s advocate here. Some of the construction zones were zoned off but no one was working in the zone, some had long stretches speed limited and they were only working on a small area, and some were poorly marked or the speed limits were difficult to see. But seriously?
I’d ask you all to think about this, would you drive past your son, daughter, partner or parent at close range at high speed?
And to those of you who get frustrated with drivers that do the right thing,
pull your head in!