Put Safety On your Calendar in 2023

Work with CNB in 2023

Whether you’re in agriculture, mining construction, manufacturing, telecommunications or transport, the start of a new year gives us all another 12 months of opportunity to promote and support safety, good mental health and safe working practices for our teams. 

With over 20 years experience sharing the real life impact of workplace incidents CNB Safe can help you achieve your organisation’s safety goals.

Lived Experience Speaker

A 60 minute session (online or face-to-face) with a CNB Speaker on a range of topics including: 

  • Workplace choice
  • Mental health at work 
  • Loss
  • Life after a workplace incident
CHOICES Training Module
CHOICES Training Module

A self contained video-based training module that you can use for inductions and training days.

Woody’s Words
Woody’s Words

Get the team engaged at your next toolbox talk with access to over 80 x 1-5 minute videos on a range of topics including:

  • PPE
  • Seatbelts
  • Driving conditions
  • Mental health
12 Reasons NOT to get hurt at work
12 Reasons NOT to get hurt at work

A powerful first hand account of how an incident can change  your life forever. Ideal for the toolbox or desk.

We know planning your approach is essential to embedding a culture of safety, so to help you put safety on the calendar this year we’ve collated a few key dates for 2023. Speaker list is a suggestion only, all speakers are currently available for all key dates.

28 April 2023World Day for Safety and Health at WorkAlan Newey
James Wood
Michelle Rath
TBC September 2023 RU OK DayMichael Weston
October 2023National Safe Work MonthAll of the team
10 October 2023World Mental Health DayMichael Weston
27 November 202323rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2023James Wood
Alan Newey
3 December 2023International Day of People with DisabilityJames Wood
Greg Smith
Alan Newey

To align your safety priorities with the broader business objectives consider adding safety to the agenda as part of these activities: 

  • Staff Updates (monthly, quarterly, yearly)
  • Budget Planning (before End of Financial Year) 
  • Events (Conferences, Training Days, Team-Building)

The CNB Safe team is ready to partner with you to make safety and wellbeing the priority it needs to be.  Get in touch today to discuss how we might work together this year. 

Let’s Connect

Email: info@cnbsafe.com.au 

Call: (03) 9730 2900

, safety speaker, Safety Talks
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Reflections on the year that was
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Planning – essential to safety success this year

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