Woody the Safety Bloke reminds you why he does Woody’s Words and lets the new people know what it is all about.
Good day everyone, its Woody here, happy 2018. Hey listen, we’ve had a lot of new people join me on Woody’s Words so I just wanted to take a quick minute or so just to give you a bit of a rundown of what I do and what I hope to achieve by sharing these little video messages.
Most of you would know by now that I got hurt at work, pretty much I stuffed up, I made some wrong choices and I ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. Now about 17 or 18 years ago now, I was asked to go out and tell people what happened to me at a workplace safety day and initially I told them to get stuffed, there’s no way I’m gonna sit in front of people and talk about what happened to me but someone said to me, ‘is this the sort of thing that you would have listened to?’ and I don’t know something just clicked I thought yeah you know what I would’ve liked to have heard somebody else’s story or actually seen the results of somebody getting hurt, it might have given me a reason for some of the safety things that we had in place before I got hurt, so I agreed to talk at this workplace and I pretty much been doing it ever since.
But you know things are changing pretty quickly, you know, the way we we share information, is changing electronics, computers, internet so my weekly or fortnightly videos is my way of sharing information so you know feel free to use my videos in any way that you want, show them to your workmates, show them to your family, I mean for some of them that’s pretty good or pretty interesting information so that’s the reason I do my Woody’s Words videos but I do need a bit of a hand this year, I’m running out of topics so if you want to ask me a question I want to get you to get on the email and maybe send me a question or two and I’ll try and make Woody’s Words out of them and look don’t hold back on the questions, you’re not going to embarrass me and if you want to know it, there’s a good chance a lot of other people are out there wanting to know the same thing.
So give me a hand, send me an email or even give me a call and we could have a yarn about it so that’s my rundown. Look let’s work together and we’ll have a really safe 2018, let’s try and make it a little bit better than last year. Some of you might have had a really good last year but let’s make it an even better one this year. Anyhow that’s it, I’m Woody, stay safe Australia.