Hello everyone, this month I’ve been doing a bit of work around where we live. Some of you know that we have 10 acres & an older Mud Brick house in the Yarra Valley.
Now most properties require a bit of maintenance to keep them in good shape. Our place requires a bit more than average, and I’ll be honest and say that I do need a hand to keep it in good condition.
There’s probably a few things that really Piss me off about being in a wheelchair….
- It’s hard to move or lift heavy objects, anything over a few KG and I have to ask someone to move it for me.
- I can’t reach things up high or climb a ladder to get things that are on high shelves or on the roof…really annoys me
- It’s difficult for me to operate simple garden machinery! I can’t push a mower, carry a whipper snipper, use a chainsaw properly. So a lot of these tasks that I’d be able to do if I could walk have to be done by others……. Really hate that!
I’m lucky that I have some amazing support from family & friends. My wife is willing to give anything a go, she has learnt how to use machinery she probably never would have touched & has cut limbs from a fallen tree using a chainsaw!…..
But I know I’ve said this before, have a think about how much the people around you would have to do if you were out of action for a while?