Veolia Qld Commits Big Time
Late last year we started discussions with Veolia in Qld about getting a strong safety message to ALL of their Qld operations. After months of planning and logistics it finally came together last month. I was invited to do a “Road Trip” with the General Manager SHEQ Clint Theil and over a 2 week period we travelled to most of the Qld Veolia workplaces to share my story and messages.
Now the reason I tell you this and actually name the company is that it is a huge commitment and effort to do this and I feel Veolia needs a pat on the back.
It’s simple to ring us up and arrange for a Safety Speaker to come out to a workplace, but when you have to do it at multiple sites and at the same time ensure that it does not interrupt everything else that has to keep being done it is a huge task.
Each site also had a BBQ or a lunch break immediately after the session to give the message time to sink in and also the opportunity for people to ask me questions “One on One”
It worked really well and I received many positive messages that it was one of the best safety initiatives that they had seen. So Congratulations to Veolia and I hope other businesses follow your lead.