Are you a Safety Officer working in mining?
Download our free eBook and learn how you can
demonstrate your value as a Safety Officer.

Are you a safety manager, officer or supervisor working in mining?

Responsible for the safety of people across your entire organisation – from operators and drillers in underground or above ground operations to exploration… basically anyone on site?

It’s a tough gig because when you’re doing a good job, nobody notices. But when you’re not, it often ends with someone getting hurt. And that’s not only a bad outcome for someone in your organisation, it’s not something you want on your conscience.

Some would say it’s a thankless job and yet, without a passionate and driven safety manager, accidents can happen that will irrevocably change the life of a workmate and the people around them.

That’s why I created this free eBook download, which addresses 5 ways you can demonstrate your value in your organisation.

To download your copy, just let me know who to send it to by filling in the form, and I’ll send you an email ASAP.
